Saturday, October 1, 2016

October Rose City SHRM Meeting - 10/27

Managing Conflict and Change to Enhance Morale and Team Building by Jack Smalley

Thu, October 27, 2016 - 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

The nationally known Human Resources Training and Consulting Expert Jack Smalley, will be here to assist supervisors of all management levels on how to manage conflict and change within an organization. All professional relationships experience some type of conflict. All relationships - personal and professional - experience conflict. It’s normal for any workplace and sometimes even necessary for growth and development. During the presentation, you’ll learn about the truths and myths of conflict, tips for effectively managing it, and important steps for successful conflict resolution. It’s going to be an informative and entertaining presentation you would not want to miss.
Seats are limited and go fast, so don’t miss your chance to learn how to become a better a leader through Smalley’s proven tips for managing conflict. This interactive workshop is designed to enhance your leadership skills so you can effectively navigate through the conflict and change landscape. This training has been approved for re-certification credits. 

October sponsor:   
